Employee engagement – or lack thereof – is a common problem. What’s not so common is a direct means of determining why. I’m now going to show you exactly how to diagnose an employee engagement problem.
Using a few psychometric instruments I’m going to diagnose an employee’s engagement problems and help guide both employee and employer in a new, more productive direction.
First let’s take a look at this employee’s thinking profile.
His profile reveals strengths in analytical, social and conceptual thinking. What general things can we learn from this?
- Likes facts, figures and data.
- Enjoys interacting with others.
- Big picture, visionary thinker.
- Creativity ranges from refinement, to adapting best practice and new, novel ideas.
- Learns through research, sharing with others, and
Now let’s take a look at his motivators, from his Values Index report.
His primary motivators are economic, individualistic and theoretical. From this we can guess:
- Competitive and bottom-line oriented
- High independence and self-confidence
- Passionate about learning for its own sake, continually in learning mode and brings a very high degree of technical or knowledge base credibility
Comparing this to his Emergenetics profile we can see the economic and theoretical motivations strongly align with his analytical and conceptual thinking. Analytical thinking is associated with cost/benefits and risk/reward. And conceptual thinking is energized by the opportunity to consider ‘What if…?’
So what is his problem?
In this case, it’s not so much what he has, but what he lacks. His structural preference is quite low, as is his regulatory motivation. In short, he hates doing things by the book. Rules, regulations and planned procedures stifle his creativity and drain his mental energy.
And isn’t that exactly what is required of a test engineer? Testing products against exacting performance standards, compiling routine test reports, conveying data in a prescribed, never-changing format. Certainly there are some analytical aspects to the job, but if the structural aspects drive the train, there is probably a mismatch between preferences, motivators and job requirements.
This opens up avenues for discussion between the employee, his career counselor, and his management. It’s possible the employee’s engagement can improve through development, or by giving him additional duties that better align with his strengths. Or it may be best to find a totally different position for the employee that better aligns with his strengths.

Until now, measuring the ‘soft skill areas’ essential to modern corporate success has proved difficult, if not impossible, for most organizations. The Organizational Health Checkup changes all that.
The OHC investigates 55 areas necessary for optimum performance of any business. This powerful assessment also determines the extent of workforce alignment with your company’s objectives and culture.
The OHC surveys eleven core business dimensions that drive performance and profitability. They include:
- Personal – how do the individuals in your organization feel?
Employee Alignment – is everyone driving for results and profits?
Personnel – how effectively do you lead people?
Team Effectiveness – how strong are your teams?
Leadership – how trusted and inspiring is your leadership?
Strategy & Planning – how comprehensive and secure is your strategy?
Customer Service – how loyal are your customers?
Sales & Marketing – does your pitch resonate and do your people sell?
Operations – do you run efficient and quality operations?
Cultural – how cohesive and beneficial is your culture?
Management – how effectively do you manage things?
The results of the Organizational Health Checkup will clearly identify areas needing improvement and reinforcement. Your business health and workforce alignment scores, with measurable results in 11 different key performance areas, will enable you to develop a long-term plan for business improvement with sustainable growth.
Having this level of holistic understanding for the overall health of your organization will allow you to identify problem areas more efficiently, and maximize existing high-performing business segments more effectively. The combined output indicates the degree of current and future business vitality and sustainability.
This powerful assessment – a $6000 value – is available for FREE for a limited time. Register below to get your OHC started today.